What Really Counts…

“You cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us..how we can take it, what we do with it..and that is what really counts in the end.” – Joseph Fort Newton
I’ll try to keep this short. Today I feel like I know what really counts…maybe for the first time in my life. Maybe.
In my latest profession, I received a promotion which in itself was a godsend. I basically run a receiving dock, calculate inventory, monitor and file my store’s bills. It doesn’t sound that fulfilling but I can use intellect and put my energy into improving something. At my core, helping people and solving problems have always been two great motivators; alongside family.
Four days after training, this was the single shift where I felt calm. My system was in place, the vendors know my name, the paperwork in order, and I had time to daydream. One was my deep desire to have my own classroom; a desire I didn’t think still had power over me. After all these years, that passion remains…in my bones. I’ll get there.
The other was a longing for a stable relationship i.e. meeting the “right” girl (woman in my advanced age). Despite my past, the failures have let me know that I was at least willing to try even if it wasn’t the best time. All I can do is put myself in the best place to grow and move on from anxieties which I allowed to stunt me prior. Forgiveness is not easy to come by whether it’s for yourself or from others. She’s out there somewhere…
All and all, I’m in an interesting place. Let us see how far it takes me!
Bye for now, KS.